For BT via SSP Silver Winner IVCA Awards A clever and engaging piece looking at disability from a different angle. From a script by Andy Compton, Spot created a 3d world of marbles to illustrate how discrimination is not necessarily a bad thing…

For Rolls Royce via The Edge Picture Company Gold Winner IVCA Awards Unfortunately we haven’t managed to obtain permission to show this film. Shame as the graphics we made and composited into the shots are really lovely.
For Lloyds Banking Group via The Edge Picture Company Gold Winner IVCA Awards Silver Winner New York Festivals A bank clerk discovers she can travel back in time and fix her past mistakes. Spot created all the time travel effects, which were shot on location against green-screen.
For The Jameel Foundation via The Edge Picture Company Grand Prix The New York Film Festivals Grand Award World Media Festival Award Gold The New York Film Festivals Gold US International Film & Video Festival Gold Cannes Media Awards Gold Winner IVCA Awards Gold World Media Festival Award Silver US International Film & Video Festival Silver The New York Film Festivals Starring Sir Ben Kingsley, The Library of Secrets enlightens…
For BT via Sarah Shuter Productions Gold Winner IVCA Yet another of our lovely, low-fi animations for BT. The judges thought that the friendly, no-nonsense animation really got the messages across.
For BT via Sarah Shuter Productions Bronze Winner IVCA A clever, low-fi little film about BT trying to become number one for customer service. We purposefully steered clear of technology to focus on how being human, warm friendly and efficient could help.
For Shell via Jack Morton Worldwide Platinum winner Marcom Creative Awards Gold Winner US International Film Festival Gold Winner New York Film & Video Festival Silver Winner IVCA Awards An engaging recruitment film for Shell Petroleum. This animated film was used to promote graduate recruitment opportunities at Shell. The character animation not only conveys Shell’s scale and significance at a fraction of the cost of a live action film, but also managed to charm…
For The London Olympic Bid via Hawkshead Gold Winner IVCA Silver Winner New York Film & Video Festival Silver Winner US International Film Festival This film made up part of the successful Olympic Bid Package. Initially used during Lord Coe’s presentation in Singapore, it was repeated triumphantly on massive screens all around London’s Trafalgar Square the day it was announced that London had won its bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games.
Via Cheerful Scout Productions “Best Graphics and Animation” Gold Winner IVCA We used simple 3d character animation in a clever way to convey very complicated concepts.
For BT via Sarah Shuter Productions Silver Winner IVCA Spot created a minimalist world of balls to show how bullying can affect the working environment.
For BT via Sarah Shuter Productions “Best Graphics and Animation” Gold Winner IVCA We used the BT logo as inspiration for this clever, funny piece about BT’s values.
For DfWP via Crown Gold Winner IVCA One of our very first projects, Spot created animated pop-up graphics for this information programme for the Department of Work and Pensions.
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